Whistleblower Act from December 17, 2021
The Danish whistleblower law was passed in June 2021. The law implements the EU's whistleblower directive, which obliges employers with 50 or more employees to establish a whistleblower scheme to protect whistleblowers. The law entered into force on December 17, 2021.
Group-wide scheme
At Klokkerholm Karosseridele and Indutrade, we have established a group-wide scheme. This means that our internal whistleblower scheme is outsourced to an external actor, WhistleB. WhistleB thus handles the function as a whistleblower unit and processes reports, is in charge of contact with the whistleblower, is in charge of follow-up on the report and carries out necessary investigations.
Anonymous reporting
If you suspect a serious suspect a serious misconduct, that should be prevented or corrected, serious violations of the law or other serious matters that the public may have an interest in uncovering, you can anonymously report the violation here. You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.