Environmental sustainability
Klokkerholm Karosseridele is conscious of the impact and the responsibility we have in terms of promoting environmental sustainability. We want to act responsibly and work towards the UN’s climate goals. We are actively working on reducing the company’s CO2 emissions and we have specific goals for reducing energy consumption. In terms of the investments we make, we focus on the use of environmentally friendly energy sources.
Human rights
We must be a credible partner for all stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally, and we will enforce human rights principles in all of our collaborative relationships.
Employees and working conditions
At Klokkerholm, we treat all employees with respect and want to offer good and healthy working conditions with opportunities for development and learning.
We recognise the right of employees to organise themselves, and in collaboration with trade unions and the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), we ensure the best possible working environment. Klokkerholm actively supports a workplace where both genders can perform all job functions.
At Klokkerholm, we are continuously working on measures to improve our employees' working conditions, including reducing the number of accidents at work.
Community involvement
Klokkerholm is actively involved in the local community and supports local initiatives through sponsorships, among other things.
Supplier agreements
We actively work with responsible supply chain management. We expect our suppliers to respect human rights and live up to the UN’s Global Goals in relation to social and environmental issues.
Code of Conduct for the Indutrade Group
Indutrade's Code of Conduct is our policy for sustainable entrepreneurship and is an important component of our efforts for sustainability. It provides guidance on who we strive to be and how we want to be perceived, and applies to all employees of the Indutrade Group in all countries.

Sponsorship of the local Football School